GRE 2011
単語カード: 100
- 1.
- passion, excitement
- 2.
- to annoy
- 3.
- easily aroused or changeable
- lively or explosive
- 4.
- wordy
- 5.
- filled with truth and accuracy
- 6.
- to respect deeply
- 7.
- to sway physically
- to be indecisive
- 8.
- temporary, lasting a brief time
- 9.
- extreme mental and physical sluggishness
- 10.
- long, harsh speech or verbal attack
- 11.
- silent, not talkative
- 12.
- done without using words
- 13.
- lofty or grand
- 14.
- unemotional
- lacking sensitivity
- 15.
- a mark of shame or discredit
- 16.
- deceptively attractive
- seemingly plausible but fallacious
- 17.
- causing sleep or lethargy
- 18.
- to satisfy fully or overindulge
- 19.
- effective writing or speaking
- 20.
- silent, reserved
- 21.
- to reject the validity of
- 22.
- to make thinner or sparser
- 23.
- motionless
- 24.
- sharp and irritating to the senses
- 25.
- wisdom, caution or restraint
- 26.
- correct behavior
- obedience to rules and customs
- 27.
- to conciliate
- to appease
- 28.
- to increase in number quickly
- 29.
- lavish, wasteful
- 30.
- fresh and clean
- uncorrupted
- 31.
- to lie or deviate from the truth
- 32.
- to throw violently or bring about abruptly
- lacking deliberation
- 33.
- stubborn, unyielding
- 34.
- to prevent
- to make unnecessary
- 35.
- to stop up
- to prevent the passage of
- 36.
- troublesome and oppressive
- burdensome
- 37.
- impossible to see through
- preventing the passage of light
- 38.
- public disgrace
- 39.
- excessive showiness
- 40.
- a contradiction or dilemma
- 41.
- model of excellence or perfection
- 42.
- someone who shows off learning
- 43.
- willing to betray one's trust
- 44.
- done in a routine way
- indifferent
- 45.
- to penetrate
- 46.
- charity
- a desire or effort to promote goodness
- 47.
- to soothe or pacify
- 48.
- excess
- 49.
- practical as opposed to idealistic
- 50.
- to express sorrow
- to grieve
- 51.
- to give praise
- to glorify
- 52.
- (v): to give unsparingly
- (adj): extremely generous or extravagant
- 53.
- talkative
- 54.
- to evade responsibility by pretening to be ill
- 55.
- capable of being shaped
- 56.
- extremely careful about details
- 57.
- a person who dislikes others
- 58.
- to soften
- to lessen
- 59.
- to calm or make less severe
- 60.
- lack of variation
- 61.
- lacking sophistication or experience
- 62.
- hardened in feeling
- resistant to persuasion
- 63.
- overly submissive and eager to please
- 64.
- outgoing, sociable
- 65.
- deceit or trickery
- 66.
- one who opposes established beliefs, customs and institutions
- 67.
- not capable of being disturbed
- 68.
- impossible to penetrate
- incapable of being affected
- 69.
- quick to act without thinking
- 70.
- unable to be calmed down or made peacefull
- 71.
- not fully formed
- disorganized
- 72.
- showing innocence or childlike simplicity
- 73.
- hostile, unfriendly
- 74.
- harmless
- 75.
- lacking interest or flavor
- 76.
- uncompromising
- refusing to be reconciled
- 77.
- to overwhelm
- to cover with water
- 78.
- easily made angry
- 79.
- using few words
- 80.
- learned, scholarly, bookish
- 81.
- known or understood by only a few
- 82.
- admirable
- 83.
- speech in praise of someone
- 84.
- use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one
- 85.
- to make worse
- 86.
- to clear from blame
- prove innocent
- 87.
- urgent
- requiring immediate action
- 88.
- to clear of blame
- 89.
- acting excessively enthusiastic
- filled with extreme, unquestioned devotion
- 90.
- to grovel
- 91.
- excessively decorated or embellished
- 92.
- to arouse or incite
- 93.
- tending to talk a lot
- 94.
- fundamentally different
- entirely unlike
- 95.
- to present a false appearance
- to disguise one's real intentions or character
- 96.
- a harsh and disagreeable comfination, or ten of sounds
- 97.
- a firmly held opinion, often a religious belief
- 98.
- dictatorial in one's opinions
- 99.
- to deceive
- a person who is easily deceived
- 100.
- selecting from or made up from a variety of sources