99 Need-to-Know GRE Words
Words for Smart Test Takers Chapter 3
単語カード: 99
- 1.
- a servile attendant
- assistant
- helper
- 2.
- insistent
- unwavering
- 3.
- official approval
- commendation
- 4.
- to attribute to
- to refer to
- 5.
- severe or stern in manner or appearance
- rigorously self-disciplined or simple in lifestyle
- 6.
- a fortress or stronghold
- 7.
- ill-mannered
- unrefined
- rude
- 8.
- overly and offensively self-assertive
- 9.
- to begin to grow or develop, especially suddenly
- bloom
- sprout
- thrive
- 10.
- to persuade by flattery or by promises
- entice
- taunt
- 11.
- any special language used by a particular group, class, or profession
- slang
- jargon
- 12.
- unreasonable devotion to one's race, country, or sex
- 13.
- imaginary
- wildly fanciful
- unreal or impossible
- 14.
- alluring
- enticing
- coy
- 15.
- excessive fatness
- obesity
- 16.
- to condescend
- to deem another worthy or fit in accordance with one's own sense of self-worth or dignity
- to grant or allow
- 17.
- harmful or injurious to physical or mental health
- 18.
- lacking order or consistency
- rambling
- disjointed
- passing randomly from one thing to another
- 19.
- lack of self confidence or faith in one's own ability
- timidity or shyness
- 20.
- force
- power
- 21.
- rambling from subject to subject
- digressive
- 22.
- a person who is easily fooled
- 23.
- overflowing with excitement, enthusiasm or fever
- 24.
- blissful
- heavenly
- delightful
- 25.
- improvement or correction of errors
- 26.
- to bring about, cause, or produce
- 27.
- a feeling of discontent or weariness
- boredom
- 28.
- difficult to please
- finicky
- 29.
- coarse food, especially for livestock
- 30.
- to explode or erupt violently or noisily
- to denounce or condemn vehemently
- 31.
- fluent in speech or writing, but without thought, restraint, or sincerity
- 32.
- disgraceful
- dishonorable
- contemptuous
- 33.
- unmanageable
- unruly
- uncontrollable
- incapable of being reformed
- 34.
- pressed or emphatically urged
- currently in office
- 35.
- incapable of being expressed in words or spoken
- inexpressible
- 36.
- acting or speaking in a candid manner
- innocent, naive, or unsophisticated
- 37.
- vehement protest, attack, or abuse with words
- 38.
- traveling from place to place, especially for work
- 39.
- trickery
- deceit
- crafty dealing
- dishonesty
- 40.
- given to shedding tears
- tearful
- mournful
- 41.
- brief and to the point
- expressing much in few words
- terse and concise
- 42.
- enraged
- extremely angry
- 43.
- dismal, depressing, or mournful (usually exaggeratedly so)
- 44.
- a person who takes an independent stance
- a radical or non-conformist
- 45.
- living by begging for money and food
- 46.
- volatile
- given to changing moods suddenly
- 47.
- biting or stinging (as in a remark or expression)
- 48.
- futile
- worthless
- of no real value
- 49.
- unyielding
- stubborn
- unmoved by persuasion, especially with respect to moral influence
- 50.
- deserving or causing hatred or scorn
- detestable
- despicable
- offensive
- 51.
- boastful
- pretentious
- showy
- 52.
- an assortment or variety
- 53.
- scarcity
- insufficiency
- 54.
- negative in connotation
- belittling
- 55.
- strong liking or taste for something
- tendency or inclination to favor something
- 56.
- regret for an offense, wrongful act, or sin committed
- 57.
- extremely stingy
- miserly
- 58.
- deliberate breech of trust or faith
- 59.
- performed without care, interest, or enthusiasm
- 60.
- injurious
- ruinous
- hurtful
- 61.
- insightful
- astute
- discerning
- keen in mental perception
- 62.
- irritable
- irascible
- grumpy
- 63.
- showing maturity beyond one's age, especially in children
- 64.
- pertaining to the earliest times
- pure or unspoiled
- 65.
- extremely wasteful, especially with money
- 66.
- ancestor
- forefather
- predecessor
- ascendant
- 67.
- inclined to fight
- quarrelsome
- contentious
- argumentative
- 68.
- sharp in taste or smell
- acidic
- 69.
- cowardly
- faint-hearted
- timid
- 70.
- malice
- hostility
- spite
- resentment
- animosity
- 71.
- difficult to understand
- obscure
- 72.
- rest
- inner peace
- tranquillity
- serenity
- 73.
- a brief rest or cessation
- pause
- 74.
- abundant
- prevalent
- widespread
- commonly occurring
- 75.
- laughable, comical, or ludicrous
- given to or easily aroused to laughter
- 76.
- disdainful
- contemptuous
- scornful
- 77.
- characterized by a gloomy, dark or sluggish disposition
- 78.
- a person who has had profound or extensive learning or understanding
- scholar
- 79.
- any act designed to incite others against the government or to resist lawful authority
- treason
- 80.
- diligent
- persevering
- untiring
- indefatigable
- 81.
- worried
- concerned
- anxious
- distraught (especially over the well-being or safety of others)
- 82.
- seemingly reasonable or genuine, yet without true merit
- 83.
- unconcerned
- indiffernet
- dispassionate
- unemotional
- stoic
- 84.
- harsh-sounding
- shrill
- grating
- 85.
- to cause to appear foolish
- to render ineffectual or futile
- 86.
- to subdue or conquer
- enslave
- 87.
- silent
- reserved
- uncommunicative
- 88.
- equivalent
- equal to
- amounting to
- 89.
- twisting
- curving
- winding
- not direct or straight
- 90.
- a comical and ludicrous parody
- portraying something as ridiculous
- a debased imitation
- 91.
- insightful
- keen
- penetrating
- 92.
- fierce
- cruel
- brutal
- ferocious
- 93.
- clouded
- muddy
- 94.
- depravity
- wickedness
- 95.
- being everywhere, especially at the same time
- 96.
- able to be bribed or bought
- corruptible
- 97.
- change or variation in the course of something, especially of circumstance or fortune in life
- 98.
- to scold harshly and abusively
- 99.
- to separate, scatter, or disperse
- to separate or sift out, especially good from bad