Phrasal verbs C-D 200 common phrasal verbs
単語カード: 37
- 1.
- phone many different places/people
- 2.
- return a phone call
- 3.
- cancel
- 4.
- ask for an answer or opinion
- visit someone
- 5.
- phone
- 6.
- relax after being angry
- 7.
- not like (formal)
- 8.
- get to the same point as someone else
- 9.
- arrive and register at a hotel or airport
- 10.
- leave a hotel
- 11.
- look at carefully, investigate
- look at (informal)
- 12.
- become happier
- 13.
- make happier
- 14.
- help
- 15.
- tidy, clean
- 16.
- find unexpectedly
- 17.
- separate
- 18.
- become sick
- 19.
- volunteer for a task or to give evidence
- 20.
- originate in
- 21.
- rely on
- 22.
- draw a line through
- 23.
- consume less
- 24.
- make something fall to the ground
- 25.
- interrupt
- pull in too closely in front of another vehicle
- start operating (of an engine or electrical device)
- 26.
- remove with something sharp
- stop providing
- 27.
- take out of a will
- 28.
- remove part of something (usually with scissors and paper)
- 29.
- beat up, ransack (Br.E., informal)
- 30.
- do again (N.Amer.)
- 31.
- discard
- 32.
- fasten, close
- 33.
- wear nice clothing
- 34.
- move back in a position/group
- 35.
- come without an appointment
- 36.
- take someone/something somewhere and leave them/it there
- 37.
- quit a class, school etc