TOEFL Vocabulary Power (2-18)
単語カード: 28
- 1.
- to give up claim to
- 2.
- lack of feeling, emotion, or interest
- 3.
- indicating a happy outcome
- 4.
- to scar or spoil
- 5.
- to punish or criticize severely
- 6.
- regret for wrongdoing
- 7.
- coarse and stupid
- 8.
- to sketch or portray
- 9.
- one who dabbles in the fine arts for amusement only and without concentrated study
- 10.
- a public command or proclamation issued by an authority
- 11.
- irresponsible, eccentric
- lacking a fixed purpose erratic behavior
- 12.
- given to joking or inappropriate gaiety
- said in fun
- 13.
- to exercise self control
- to keep from
- 14.
- proud
- looking down with contempt on others
- 15.
- incapable of being soothed, made peaceful, or forgiving
- 16.
- an increase
- 17.
- demonstrating originality, skill, or resourcefulness
- 18.
- harmless
- inoffensive
- 19.
- anger
- 20.
- disposition
- spirit
- 21.
- homesickness
- 22.
- a self -contradictory statement
- something 'that appears to be absurd and yet may be true -"Life is too important a matter to he taken seriously."
- 23.
- a dull and commonplace remark
- 24.
- a privilege or power attaching to a position
- 25.
- bulging or swelling out
- 26.
- to tear down completely
- 27.
- to punish severely
- to afflict
- 28.
- tending to induce sleep