TOEFL Vocabulary Power (2-14)
単語カード: 26
- 1.
- moderate in the use of food or drink
- 2.
- historical records
- 3.
- a place offering shelter and retreat
- 4.
- a lover of books
- 5.
- ill-natured
- quarrelsome
- 6.
- capable of existing together in harmony
- 7.
- fat
- 8.
- submitting to the wishes or judgment of another
- 9.
- art authoritative statement
- a saying
- 10.
- positive in expressing an opinion
- asserting an opinion as though it were an undisputed fact
- 11.
- a tombstone inscription
- 12.
- to root out, destroy totally
- 13.
- elaborately showy
- 14.
- a distortion of the face to express an attitude or feeling
- 15.
- to pierce through with a pointed instrument
- 16.
- to attack or criticize as false
- to call in question
- 17.
- unable to be satisfied
- 18.
- hating or distrusting mankind
- 19.
- sadly thoughtful
- 20.
- to restate in a brief, concise form
- to sum up
- 21.
- lying down
- leaning back or down
- 22.
- to prove incorrect or false
- 23.
- injury inflicted in turn for one received
- 24.
- elastic
- light-hearted
- 25.
- equivalent
- 26.
- slender
- not substantial